Looking for a way to improve customer outcomes and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your DevOps teams? Strive for excellent - and maintainable - test coverage. But how specifically do you increase coverage and create better user experiences? Adeeb Valiulla, Director of QA at Sensormatic and mabl Engineering Manager Geoff Cooney explored what ‘excellent’ test coverage means, and how quality assurance teams can achieve it at their mabl Experience session. Based on Adeeb’s real experiences as quality leader, the session shared actionable tips, strategies, and techniques for software testing professionals looking to improve their own test coverage as part of their quality engineering efforts.
Why should you care about excellent test coverage? As Geoff pointed out, it directly impacts your teams and your customer outcomes. Mabl’s 2021 State of Testing in DevOps Report highlighted the importance of testing and code coverage on teams and end customer outcomes. Survey results of more than 600 industry professionals showed:
Like quality engineering itself, test coverage is one of the few metrics that connect code to the customer, helping developers, product managers, and testers understand the quality of the product and how well their software testing strategies reflect the user journey.
As the global leader in retail technology solutions, Sensormatic understands the critical role of software testing and has worked to develop a systematic approach to test coverage. Using data and test automation, Adeeb has created a strategy to ensure that test coverage is accurate and comprehensive. He shared the details of their approach:
Adeeb explained that this automated testing strategy has brought Sensormatic significant results. “We saw a huge difference before and after. For product one, when we started, we were only at 40% test automation coverage. We couldn’t do any PDF testing, had no email testing, and API testing was the bare minimum. I'm proud to say that we’ve almost doubled our automation coverage to 80% and we’re able to cover emails, PDFs, and CSVs. For product two, we went from a staggering 10% to an exceptional 95% automation coverage. This has helped us achieve so many goals — not to mention happy customers!”
How can your quality engineering organization start improving test coverage? Adeeb recommended five specific strategies for companies that are tackling changes in their own test coverage.
Excellent test coverage requires both thoroughness and accuracy. It’s unrealistic to expect that any feature or product will ever have 100% coverage, especially as more software development organizations embrace DevOps and deploy new code on a daily basis. Instead, quality engineering teams need to understand what customer experiences matter most to their users, as well as the riskiest areas of their application to effectively increase test coverage. Armed with the right data and a software testing strategy that balances manual and automated testing, any QA team can start improving their test coverage for optimal performance.
How does mabl’s own engineering team think about test coverage? Check out the full recording for this mabl Experience session to find out.