The mabl blog: Testing in DevOps

Looping and Conditionals with mabl Test Automation | mabl

Written by Dani Paul | Feb 4, 2020 9:33:37 PM

“They love me. They love me not. They love me. They love me not...”

Our lives are full of loops. From picking petals from a flower until there are none left, to finding and picking new flowers 10 times to make a full bouquet.

mabl's new Looping feature opens up the potential of your automated tests to be able to handle more dynamic and complex use cases.

The full webinar from Valentine's Day is available to watch below, but we've pulled some highlights below. Check 'em out!


How to configure looping
in the mabl trainer (1m 29s)


Using looping to
increment a counter (5m 20s)


Using looping and conditionals
to configure viewport sizes (3m 16s)


Concatenating conditionals
(1m 52s)


Using looping to interact
with all elements on a page (2m 47s)


Using looping to interact
with a date picker (2m 43s)


In this webinar you will learn:

- How to use conditionals and flows
- How to configure looping for a flow
- What the run.loop_index variable is and how to use it
- Examples of different scenarios where you can use looping and how to do them

Watch the full 1-hour webinar: