The mabl blog: Testing in DevOps

The State of DevTestOps Survey for 2020: Shift-Right Testing

Written by Chou Yang | Oct 9, 2019 10:00:00 AM
We're back at it again! A new DevTestOps survey is ready to go and we need your help! We open this survey up to all engineering roles, from testing/QA to operations and site reliability engineers, to product management - any role that touches software quality. Please share your experience by taking the survey:

The DevTestOps Landscape survey and subsequent reports focus on the evolving role of the tester. As more organizations make the shift to DevOps, testing is impacted in a number of ways that we don't completely understand. That's why we're mapping out the landscape of testing in DevOps - what we call DevTestOps.

Last year's survey: Is DevOps actually paying off?

In last year's survey, we focused on how much testing (and what testing) was being done manually vs. automated across different phases of the DevOps tech transformation.

For example, one of the questions explored was: "Is manual testing done less in favor of automation when you ship more frequently, as the test pyramid recommends? Or, is it the case where in practice, manual testing has become the last-minute catch-all because there's not enough time to write automated tests?"

We took those responses and correlated them with stress levels and product quality. You would think that being DevOps means you're a high-performing team with low MTTR, happier customers, and feel less stressed. Yet, we found that these high-performing teams were more stressed than teams that shipped infrequently. Anecdotes that support this finding say that many testers on DevOps teams still have no idea how to test in DevOps. What do you think? You can view the full results and our takeaways from them at:

This year's survey: Shift-Right Testing

Observability, Monitoring, Chaos Engineering, oh my!

This year, we're shifting gears and focusing on Shift-Right testing (pun intended). I've found that people's tone towards shift-right testing - that is, testing in production - drips with excitement, curiosity - and fear. So it makes me wonder how many teams are realistically ready for this? Is it a hot new fad in the near distance or just an engineer's wet dream?

On the one hand, there are tons of monitoring tools out there today, but how many testers actually know how to use those tools to enrich their testing? How many teams ship fearlessly on a Friday evening? How many teams aren't afraid of injecting chaos into their production systems? 

I guess we'll find out in a few months when we analyze all the survey results! Please lend us your expertise and take this survey if you have any hand in software quality in your organization. And don't forget to share this with your team members and colleagues so they can contribute their thoughts as well. 

Thanks in advance! See you in a few months.