How Chorus Innovations Achieved a 94% Reduction in Manual Testing Time


Manual testing was costing the team time and limiting their ability to scale


94% reduction in regression testing times


UX testing and developer partnerships prioritized


Team built 400+ automated E2E tests

This case study explores how Chorus Innovations, a robust platform with complex user flows that aims to democratize digital health innovations, transformed its QA processes using mabl. The Chorus team, in partnership with mabl, achieved remarkable results across testing, scaling, and test coverage.

The Challenges

  • Manual Regression Testing: Before mabl, Chorus relied solely on manual regression testing, taking a staggering 120 hours per release cycle.
  • Scalability Issues: Traditional automation solutions proved insufficient for Chorus' rapidly innovating platform.
  • Limited Test Coverage: Manual testing made achieving comprehensive coverage challenging because of constraints on time and effort.

The Solution

Chorus implemented mabl's unified testing platform that delivered: 

  • Faster Test Creation: mabl's visual interface enabled the creation of tests significantly faster than traditional coding.
  • Improved Scalability: mabl's ability to handle complex user flows made it ideal for Chorus' intricate platform.
  • Increased Coverage: The Chorus team built a suite of over 400 automated end-to-end tests, covering a significant portion of the platform's features.

The Results

The impact of mabl on Chorus' QA processes included:

  • Reduced Regression Time: Regression testing was significantly reduced, representing a 94% reduction in manual effort.
  • Enhanced Bug Detection: mabl's automation caught bugs early in the development cycle, leading to faster fixes and fewer rollbacks.
  • Improved Team Efficiency: Freed from repetitive manual testing, the QA team could focus on higher-level tasks like user experience testing and partnering with developers.
  • Industry Recognition: Chorus' QA team became a finalist for the "Most Impactful Quality Transformation" Award at the 2023 mabl Experience, a testament to their success.

Future Plans

The team is committed to further optimizing the QA process at Chorus:

  • Parallel Test Execution: By enabling parallel execution of tests, Chorus aims to reduce regression time even further, allowing for more frequent deploys to production.
  • Collaboration with Developers: Chorus plans to empower developers to leverage mabl for local testing, facilitating faster feedback and earlier bug detection.
  • Improved Test Coverage: The team strives to achieve close to 100% automated test coverage for the platform.


Chorus Innovations' success story exemplifies the transformative power of mabl in the QA domain. By embracing automation, Chorus achieved significant gains in efficiency and quality and reduced the manual testing burden on their team.  Their journey serves as a valuable roadmap for other organizations seeking to optimize their QA processes.

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It’s the only SaaS solution that tightly integrates automated end-to-end testing into the entire development lifecycle.