
2024 Testing in DevOps Report

Written by Bridget Hughes | Apr 23, 2024 1:30:00 PM

Welcome to mabl's 5th State of Testing in DevOps Report, where we explore the full impact of software testing and test automation on DevOps maturity, organizational performance, and the user experience.

The 2024 State of Testing in DevOps Report is our most successful effort at this goal to date, surveying over 500 development and quality professionals in the United States. Roughly 40% of these respondents held a leadership role in software development and QA, while 60% were practitioners on the frontlines of development. 

The diversity of roles reflected in the latest Testing in DevOps Report allows us to understand how everyone in the software development organization - including end users - are impacted by testing. Though some trends were clearly positive - 89% of teams are prioritizing DevOps transformation, for example - others indicated plenty of room for improvement:

  • 80% of companies aren't delivering high-velocity software, defined as weekly or daily deployments
  • The biggest testing headache was test maintenance, with a massive 138% increase in teams ranking it as their top pain point
  • Testing tech stacks are becoming more complex, with 44% of fully DevOps teams using 5+ testing tools 
  • 60% of teams are using AI in some way, but the top use case (test summarization) doesn’t align with the most labor intensive testing tasks 

We hope that the trends uncovered by the 2024 Testing in DevOps Report help your teams benchmark your DevOps and testing practices, discover new ways to improve software quality, and gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of software testing . While many companies just look at the immediate effects of changing test automation tools and tactics on quality teams, mabl's State of Testing in DevOps Report looks at the entire organization to understand how testing can transform an entire company, ultimately becoming a key competitive advantage.